Introducing Bioglitter - The Festival Season Essential

Introducing Bioglitter - The Festival Season Essential

We are very excited to add Moon Glitter Bioglitter to our make up range. Please read the full statement by Moon Creations below.

What is Moon Glitter Bioglitter

Bioglitter is an eco-friendly alternative to plastic based glitter and has been developed to tackle microplastic pollution created by glitter.

Bioglitter replaces the core polyester film used in traditional glitter with a unique and special form of cellulose from hardwoods, primarily eucalyptus sourced from responsibly managed and certified plantations operating to PEFC™ standards. This core in its own right possesses excellent eco-credentials, in it being biodegradable in all environments; certified industrial and home compostable, approved soil, wastewater, freshwater and marine biodegradable.

Our bioglitter already has 92% of its plastic content removed and is only 3% off reaching biodegradable in freshwater certified status. Nevertheless, we are continuing with its development journey to meeting our goals.

There are two key ultimate goals we are driving to achieve with all our bioglitter products;

1 – Removing the Plastic; So not a microplastic.

2 – Certified biodegradable in the natural environment; So it leaves no mess.

Why Bioglitter

The world is facing a major issue with plastic pollution and glitter has played its own small part. Defined as a microplastic, plastic glitter takes hundreds of years to degrade.

Because of its physical size and the diverse number of applications; including cosmetics, compost and recycling bins are NOT where glitter ‘ends up’. Supply chains also need to be taken into consideration. Glitter presents a unique challenge, requiring a totally different approach to the raw material choices that are suitable for eco-friendly compostable plastic packaging.

Glitter can find its way into wastewater after bathing or washing clothing, which after water treatment can then end up in our rivers and oceans. This is the most probable route that glitter may find its way into marine habitats. Once in the natural environment, glitter like other microplastics, can cause physical harm to small organisms and end up entering the food chain.

Making a glitter that could decompose in industrial and home composting processes is NOT enough. Removing the plastic in all Bioglitter® products is our primary goal. However, we also need to ensure our bioglitter products are not just compostable, but, biodegradable outside in the much more challenging natural environment. After all, that’s where the microplastic pollution is! So where ever bioglitter ends up it leaves no mess.

Bioglitter is the first of its kind and continues to trail blaze. A robust ecofriendly glitter technology reducing and removing plastic, tested and proven to biodegrade in our countryside and waterways.

It’s also important to be mindful that the extent of glitter microplastics pollution is small in comparison to other forms of microplastic pollution such as vehicle tyre dust, wash fibres from man-made fabrics and weathering of exterior coatings to name a few.

What about plastic free glitter?

Moon Glitter Bioglitter is 92% plastic free. Whilst this means it still contains 8% plastic content, we feel this is a significant step forward and strikes the right balance between being environmentally friendly and producing a high quality product. Moon Glitter is committed to its bioglitters being 100% plastic free as soon as the technology to produce a 100% plastic free glitter that meets Moon Glitters high product quality standards. We expect that to be early 2020.

It's worth noting that our bioglitter core is a special high tech form of naturally biodegradable cellulose. This core in its own right possesses excellent eco-credentials; certified compostable in both industrial (EN13432, EN14995, ASTM D6400, ISO 17088) and home composting environments (OK Compost Home) and also marine biodegradation approved to ASTM D6691-09. However, talking about the biodegradability virtues of the glitter core does not confirm the biodegradability performance of the actual finished glitter. Through independent testing to ISO14851 – Fresh Water Biodegradability, we proved that our bioglitter biodegrades very well in the very challenging natural environment of rivers and lakes. The test showed that in just 4 weeks, the majority of the product had degraded away. Moon Glitter Bioglitter is 92% plastic free. Whilst this means it still contains 8% plastic content, we feel this is a significant step forward and strikes the right balance between being environmentally friendly and producing a high quality product. Moon Glitter is committed to its bioglitters being 100% plastic free as soon as the technology to produce a 100% plastic free glitter that meets Moon Glitters high product quality standards. We expect that to be early 2020.

Behind the scenes we and our suppliers are working hard to remove the final bit of plastic from our bioglitter range whilst retaining the high reflective element of this range. Also being developed are holographic and iridescent ranges – which we hope will allow us to replace existing plastic-based glitter ranges rather in there entirety rather than just adding new bioglitter ranges to our selection.

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